Radiology PA Programs

pa radiology

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One of the highest Paying PA specialties is to work as a PA in radiology, an in demand area in the physician assistant field. Before you could work as one, however, you will have to know the thing that wait for you as well as the factors and PA school requirements you may consider when choosing a training program for you.

“The radiologic technologist is a healthcare practitioner who plays an important role on the medical team. Technologists are usually employed in a department of radiology or medical imaging center performing a variety of radiographic procedures including basic x-ray procedures or advanced procedures such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Typical responsibilities of the radiologic technologist include interacting regularly with ill, injured, or suffering individuals, producing and processing quality diagnostic images, and communicating effectively with fellow technologists, physicians, and other healthcare team members” Penn Medicine: University of Pennsylvania Health System

PA Radiology

One of the things to know is that you will need a specific certification as well as education as it is set by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). But you should know that someone working as a physician assistant in the field of radiology is not a doctor, but one is considered to be working in an advanced position in radiology.

PA radiology is going to work closely with a doctor that has the knowledge and skills in therapeutic techniques and complex imaging. You will also have to use your advanced knowledge and skills in determining the best course to take for treatment and diagnosis.

Before you can work with such functions though, you will need to complete a radiology master’s degree program that is designed for this specific position. Some things you have to consider if you want to become a RA are accreditation, radiologic equipment and facilities and online options, among others.

Where to Study to Become PA Radiology

You should enroll in a program that is accredited and recognized by the ARRT so that you can gain the credentials to working as a registered radiologist assistant upon completion of the course.

Many of the schools or programs offering such specialty in PA are requiring their students to be credentialed by the ARRT as radiologic technologist and radiographers that both require a bachelor’s degree. In some cases, you may also enter into a few graduate programs that can provide you with an additional undergraduate study you need in the first year.

Then, you will move onto the next level, which is the master’s degree study. However, you may be required to have completed work experience before entering some programs. When you become a physician assistant in radiology, you may be able to earn an average of $102,972, as a radiology PA is one of the highest Paying PA specialties.

To know more about mental health PA, go on reading.

Start getting ready to become a part of PA radiology programs today!