Physician Assistant School Rankings 2015-2016

physician assistant school rankings

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To know which school provides the best training and knowledge, academic peer institutions give out regular physician assistant school rankings. A PA school ranking assists potential PA students to choose their school. Listed below is physician assistant school ranking for 2015-2016.

PA School Ranking 2016

University of North Dakota – Grand Forks, ND (Rank #40/ Score 3.0)

  • A GPA score of 3.0 or higher on a scale of 4.0
  • Prerequisite courses must have grades of B or 3.0 (on a scale of 4.0) or higher

Touro University – California College of Health Science, Vallejo, CA (Rank #40/ Score 3.0)

  • The physician assistant program in Touro University has a length of 33 months.
  • The GPA score for the Class of 2015 is 3.14, which has a science GPA of 3.08.

University of Oklahoma (Tulsa) – Tulsa, OK (Rank #40/ Score 3.0)

  • GPA score accepted is 2.75 on a scale of 4.0 for overall GPA and science GPA (starting 2016 the GPA score accepted will be 3.0 on a scale of 4.0).

University of Wisconsin – La Crosse-Gunderson Lutheran Medical Foundation-Mayo, La Crosse, WI (Rank #40/ Score 3.0)

  • Complete prerequisite courses prior to application
  • GPA score including science GPA must be 3.0 on a scale of 4.0
  • Submission of GRE scores straight from ETS is mandatory for all students.

Wayne State University – Detroit, MI (Rank #40/ Score 3.0)

  • PA program is a full time 24 month program
  • All GPA scores must be 3.0
  • GRE scores on verbal and quantitative must be 285 and an analytical writing score of 3.5
  • 500 hours direct patient care experience should be fulfilled.
  • TOEFL score is required for students who did not finished high school or their baccalaureate degrees in the United States.

Physician assistant school rankings are usually assessed based on the equipment and curriculum of the above-mentioned learning institutions. Applications for all PA school ranking best institutions are coursed through CASPA.

PA school ranking colleges and universities strictly require that all incoming PA students are graduates of health related baccalaureate degrees from accredited institutions in the United States. Likewise all prerequisite courses must be completed prior to submitting an application. Understanding how long is PA school will also help you choose the right program.

Physician assistant school rankings help you understand what you should be getting ready for and our tips are here to help you with all the preparation!